Q27: 2007年最想幹什麼?
What is the thing you want to do most in year 2007?
bungee jump
Q28: 如果有天你死了,希望是什麼死法?
How would you like to die?
Q29: 如果你愛的人沒錢,你還會嫁給他麼?還是找個愛你而且很有錢的人?(男生,你愛的人不是處女你還會娶她並且一如既往的愛她嗎?)
If the person you love is poor, will you marry him?
(For guys: If the person you love is not a virgin, will you marry her?)
Q30: 朋友到底是怎樣的?
Define a friend.
someone who helps unconditionally
Q31: 如何拒絕追求你的人?
How to reject someone who is pursuing you?
as cruel as possible
Q32: 最想做什麼動物?
What animal would you like to be?
Q33: 如果你和你現在的女(男)朋友在路上碰到你以前的女(男)朋友,你會怎麼辦??
If you and your current date meets an ex, what will you do?
say hi then bye
Q34: 覺得一直和一個人呆在一起會有一天厭倦嗎?(朋友或戀人)
Will you feel bored being with the same person all the time?
Q35: 鬱悶的時候怎麼辦?
What do you do when you are bored?
i love being bored. it means thet im free. but anyway, when im bored i usually sleep, play com or read. or watch tv.
Q36: 最適合你發呆的地方?
What is the best place for you to day-dream?
living room
Q37: 你心目中理想的愛人是什麼樣子呢?
How is your ideal partner like?
smart, pretty, ...sigh dunno lah
Q38: 你相信一見鍾情還是日久生情啊?
Do you believe in love at first sight or love established after a considerable of time being together?
Q39: 在你的生命中,是友情勝過愛情,還是愛情勝過友情?為什麼?
Is friendship more important than love relationship or the other way round? Why?
i value both as much, coz they're both important parts of life
Q40: 最想要的公司福利是怎麼樣的?
What is the thing you want most from company welfare?
lotsa holidays!! (Kok 2007)
Q41: 願意離開家到很遠的地方去追尋幸福嗎?
Are you willing to go far away from home in search of happiness?
Q42: 你在大家面前和自己一個人時,差別有多大?
How much different are you when you are in public compared to when being alone?
very. totally 2 different person.
Q43: 下面兩樣你更喜歡哪個?雪山還是大海
Which do you prefer? Snowy mountain or the ocean?
snowy mountain anytime
Q44: 你最崇拜誰,理由?
Who do you admire most? Why?
in their respective fields: bill gates, lim goh tong, kenneth jonassen
Q45: 如果胡錦濤讓位給你...你想如何改造中國?
If Hu Jintao relinquishes his post for you, how would you transform China?
by stopping corruption at all cost!
Q46: 如果你坐在一個面朝大海的窗前,有一個寫字臺,上面有一張紙一支筆,你想寫給誰,寫些什麼?
You are facing an ocean with a writing desk on which a pen and a piece of paper are placed. Who would you write to? What would you be writing about?
i will write to my mom about how beautiful the ocean in front of me is.
Q47: 迄今為止,你幹過最尷尬的事是什麼?
So far, what have you done that proves to be most embarrassing?
hmm...i try as hard as i can 2 forget all my embarrasing experience so its quite hard to recall. lets c...when i was in standard 3 i was a prefect and was guarding someplace near the field. I played football in the field with some of my frens in uniform even though we're not supposed to. then when the discipline teacher came i pretend to be guarding the place as if its none of my business. if a prefect was found breaking the rules the penalty is doubled, so i was scared. my frens all kena denda but i got away. when the teacher scold them i just stood nearby n watch silently. they were all listening with their heads down; my head was down too coz i dunno how to face them.
Q48: 假如能讓你選擇兩個日期(出生和死亡) 你會分別選擇哪一天
If you were to choose between your birth date and death date, which one would it be?
This question is actually asking if you can choose ur own birth date n death date, when would they be?
Neway, my birthday will not be in december so that i wont miss the chance of celebrating my bday at skul every year. i would prefer...Jan 1st! as for the day i die... Jan 1st as well.just bcoz its d same day as my bday.
Q49: 你覺得曖昧是一種幸福嗎?
Q50: 你覺得跟我認識是相見恨早還是相見恨早?
Q51: 你被我點名的時侯,有咩感覺??
What did you feel when you found out you are being tagged?
quite happy. at least got something to write on my blog. a bit pek chek also coz have to do something so tedious.
Q52: 可以變身的話希望變成什麼?
What would you want to be if you can transform yourself into anything?
a camera. can c a lot of things
Q53: 你覺得男人跟狗這兩種生物,有沒有什麼差異之處?
Are there any differences between dogs and guys?
Q54: 你覺得呢個世界奸人多定好人多呢?咁點算好呀?
Do you think there are more good or bad people in this world? How should it be like?
Q55: 如果你有10蚊澳門幣會做d乜?
What will you do if you have AUD 10?
buy food
Q56: 形容一下中國人
Describe a Chinaman.
someone who talks very fast in mandarin
Q57 :: 由初戀到 e+ 最深刻係那一段感情 ??
Which is the most memorable relationship you have had since your first love?
I've had none
Q58 :: 你覺得自己的異性緣強嗎 ??
Do you think your attraction to the opposite sex is strong?
ok ok la
Q59 :: 請說出一個秘密
Please tell a secret.
i am not who i appear. I may not even be who u think i am coz i may have done things that u think define my characteristic, but were actually done to let u define my characteristic in such way.
Q60 :: 你認為世界上邊個最靚仔
Who is the most handsome guy in the world?
Tom Cruise. a bit short though
Q61 :: 如果有機會你可以參加一次時光旅行,你會選擇回到過去還是去到未來?
Would you choose to travel to the past or future?
Q62: 你覺得我有咩地方需要改善的空間
What do you think I (Jia) should improve on?
height, figure, physics, courage in confronting animals, courage to do the right thing although it means it makes some ppl dislike u, etc etc
Q63. 記得我們怎樣認識嘛?情景是怎樣?形容下吧﹗
How did we first meet? Please describe.
i only rmbr that we meet in the year 11 drama team la. details 4got d.
Q64. 想過一個怎樣的生日?
What kind of birthday do you wish to have?
lots of food, lots of laughter, lots of happiness.
Q65. 想做靚女(仔)定想做一個叻女(仔)? 為甚麼?
Do you prefer being a pretty gal (guy) or a brilliant gal (guy)? Why?
brilliant. coz i place more weight on substance rather than appearance.
Q66. 你有沒憎恨過人?
Have you ever hated anyone?
of course
Q67. 有無暗戀過人?
wats 著姣婆粉 ?
What do you think I (Jia) need most?
dun want to say d la. later u say i shoot u being short again.
Q70. 估我做乜會搵你??
What is your dream?
I dont really have a dream. thats y i lack motivation in life. so pathetic.
Q72. 把這句的xxx給作好成一個句子"世界上最遙遠的距離,並非是生與死的距離,而是xxx"絕不能模倣張小嫻同泰戈爾的版本,世界上最遙遠的距離,並非是生與死的距離,而是...
Complete this sentence: The most distant thing in this world is not death and life, but...
heaven and hell?
Q74. 請講一件我令你印象好深刻既事
What is the one thing about me that leaves a strong impression in you?
ur singing. like mp3
Q75. 一件可以令你暴走的事
i have very good temper. that has never happened before.
Q76. 現在在你眼中的我是一個怎樣的人?
What do you think of me now?
i want to say short, but sure kena scold 1. so i think u r a cheerful person.
finally done.