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Thursday, March 29, 2007


Today I’m happy.

This is because of this thing.

I have a workshop every week where I learn those stuff that we do in Kemahiran Hidup, just more advanced. Welding, blacksmithing, all those stuff. This week our task is to make the tool that u hit with hammer to make marks on metal plates. I don’t know what they’re called. We’re provided with a long metal rod and we must heat the tip of it until its glowing hot and then hit the tip with a hammer all round until it becomes pointy. Then we cut it off around 5cm from the tip and we have the tool! Our tools will then be given marks according to how beautiful and smooth they are. Its really, really hard work.

This is my result.

which I top my class with. That’s why I’m happy =)

I usually suck in these KH things. That makes me even happier.

And then the instructor showed us how to make a decorative metal leaf using the metal rod just for fun. Mine looks quite beautiful.

So I’m happy!


~luckystar~ said...


nh said...

What?!! You top the class with that? :P

But well, I'm impressed you can shape that tool so nicely. Or maybe not, if I can zoom in and find the flaws...hah...

Are all your coursemates males by the way? This seems like tough work requiring lots of energy..

Sean said...

yeah it is hard work requiring lots of energy.

there are a few girls in the class. in fact, 1 of the 2 ppl who got the 2nd highest mark is a girl from singapore. amazing?

syyeam said...

i wonder how do others' look like...