Copyright © 2006 Sean/ZChing Corp Unltd. All rights reserved. All wrongs released.
Hey, elaborate la a bit. Or at least upload the video.
video too blur cannot see anything
It should probably be mentioned, (due mostly to the fact that both Audrey and Wan Mit are far too modest to say it of their own accord), that the performance was rather brilliant.
yup i agree. except for the guy in the middle the dance was pretty gud. labeled him "some gay guy"...nevertheless, certainly the most amusing
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Hey, elaborate la a bit. Or at least upload the video.
video too blur cannot see anything
It should probably be mentioned, (due mostly to the fact that both Audrey and Wan Mit are far too modest to say it of their own accord), that the performance was rather brilliant.
yup i agree. except for the guy in the middle the dance was pretty gud. labeled him "some gay guy"...nevertheless, certainly the most amusing
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